words and their meanings

But What Does that word MEAN


Petite Note: This page focuses on words used by IRL Aristasians talking about Aristasian lore or living as an Aristasian. If you are looking for the language of Aristasia Pura, Raihiralan, please see this page instead.

Here, one finds as comprehensive a glossary of terms related to Aristasia as I am able to produce. Definitions were mostly pulled, word-for-word from old, vanished Aristasian sites that had glossaries.The Wayback Machine was helpful, and will hopefully be so going forward with this project further.

My inclusion of (a lot of) these terms here definitely doesn’t constitute agreement with them or swallowing whole the philosophy behind them, now, or at any point in the past.

I’m just sharing how these phrases were used, directly from what sources I can find. Some of these phrases I used myself (words like intermorph, Telluria, and even more metaphysical stuff like racination) during my time with Aristasians back in the day. Some I didn't use, or didn't really understand very well. Some I still don't quite "get," y'know? Plenty seem awful, like I said.

Anyways, there’s links to all archived sources at the bottom of the article. This page will hopefully expand over time.

Another thing worth keeping in mind is that, in life theatre, Aristasians used a lot of (normal, "Tellurian") old-fashioned slang that I’m obviously leaving out here, but it was kind of fun? Gosh golly, ain’t that just swell? Let’s hop on down to the soda fountain! You get the vibe, I guess...

The terms themselves, like I said, mostly come from several different sites archived in the Wayback Machine. Some are from really early sites, some are from much later ones. Some are just slang terms I remember being used in Second Life and earlier Aristasian venues online. I’m including a little symbol key that tells which is which, and some other things. Obviously, some terms persisted throughout the years, and have all the symbols, all of them.


Please, for heaven's sake, please be mindful of these symbols. They will tell you a great deal about how Aristasia as a movement changed over the years.

♄ Words that appeared early in the Aristasian canon, when I initially began participating in the group in the early aughts and late 1990s.

♃ Words that appeared later, mostly post-Bridghead, when Aristasia had abandoned things like corporal punishment.

♀ Words referring to concepts and such in Aristasia Pura lore, often overlapping with Raihiralan.

🜨 Words used primarily for IRL (aka Aristasia-in-Telluria, as they called it) concepts.

☿ Words I remember from hanging out. These are the only definitions I, personally, typed.



AETHYR (♀, 🜨, ☿, ♄, ♃): This usually gets used as the Aristasian term for space. Early on, there was even a page called "A Sermon in Outer Space" about how space was a metaphysically-incorrect word for the concept. It also established that yes, Novaria has spaceports and military maids regularly go flying off in zippy starships (best seen in The Flight of the Silver Vixen). Later, post-2008, I started seeing people use the term to refer to a hypothetical astral plane. Not an unusual concept, I guess?

AMAZONIA (♀, ♄, ♃): Eastern province of Aristasia corresponding to the ancient matriarchal civilisations. Amazonia is ruled celestially by Sai Raya, the angel of the Sun. Amazonia is by far the largest of the provinces and has no single earthly ruler, whole Empires existing in areas of Amazonia.

AMITY (♀, ♄, ♃): Amity is the bond of love that unites Aristasian societies and groups. It is the affective counterpart of thamë. The Janyati Sai Thamë and Sai Sushuri (the ruler of amity) are said to be sisters, and the two Aristasian sexes are ruled by Sai Thamë (melini) and Sai Sushuri (chelani) respectively. Thus the Amity/Thamë principle is fundamental to all Aristasian life and culture.

ARCADIA (♀, ♄, ♃): Eastern province of Aristasia corresponding (primarily) to the Victorian and Edwardian Eras. Arcadia is ruled by the brunette angel Rhavë (pron. Rah-vay and corresponding to your planet Saturn). Its Queen is Victoria (not to be confused with Queen Viktoria of Novaria).

ARISTASIAN MONEY (♀, ♄, ♃): Comes in three denominations, Pounds, Shillings and Pence. There are twenty shillings to a pound and twelve pennies to a shilling. The abbreviation for a penny is d (for denaria) so sixpence is usually written 6d and the stress falls on "six" not on "pence" as it would in Pit-england. Where there are shillings and pence they are separated by an oblique stroke, so 6/6d means six shillings and sixpence (often said simply "six-and-six"). Six shillings would be written 6/- or 6s.

The divisions of a penny are 1/2d (a halfpenny, pronounced "hayp,ny" and 1/4d, a farthing (originally fourthing).

The official exchange rate is about one shilling to one Pit-pound or one and a half Pit-dollars, but in fact the actual purchasing power of the Aristasian shilling is rather higher than that would suggest. For example, a cinema seat ranges between 5d and 9d - the Pit equivalents would be under half a pound and three-quarters of a pound (note that bongo "pence" are never under any circumstances mentioned by a tasteful Aristasian).

ARISTOC (🜨, ☿, ♄): This was, at one point, the name of a brand of stockings in the UK. While Aristasians would claim that they chose their name as it means "the most excellent" in Greek, it, well, doesn't, and it seems likely that the name was originally chosen as an homage to this... brand of stockings.

ART NEO (♀, ♄, ♃): Broadly this term may be translated as Art Deco, but only those parts of Art Deco that are theatrical, feminine and sound. The bleak-and-barren blockish styles that are sometimes included in Art Deco are not Art Neo. Art Neo is considered primarily the art of Novaria which has spread to other provinces. The philosophical reasons for this, and for the use of the term are too complex to enter into here.

ATHAMË (♀, ♄, ♃): The reverse of thamë: disorder, chaos the breaking of the Golden Harmony. An act which disrupts the Golden Order in any way is athamë. A person who is in disobedience to her lawful superiors is athamë. Athamë always contains an element of "ritual impurity". Causing disruption in a holy place is a form of athamë that most Tellurians will readily understand. It should be realised that much the same feeling attaches in Aristasian life to disruptions of order and harmony even in "non-religious" contexts.

ATOMISATION (🜨, ♄, ♃): The divide-and-rule tendency of the Pit, which seeks to isolate each individual by the clever use of the doctrine of "personal independence". By undermining and uprooting all natural loyalties, whether to family, religion, nation, custom or tradition, each individual is cut off from all sources of support and sustenance outside the cathode-defined "reality" of the Pit. The doctrine of selfishness is preached, playing on the natural selfishness of each individual (which normal societies encourage her to curb), to the point at which trust between husbands and wives and even mothers and children may break down, each individual primarily "out for herself", and therefore, by the same token, an isolated, atomised unit completely dependent on the Pit because having no other sure haven to turn to.

We may note in passing thet the so-called "sexual revolution" was an important stage in the creation of an atomised society. In Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Anti-Sex League tried to suppress sex because "loyalty to an individual is disloyalty to the State", in the Pit, loyalty is much more subtly broken down by the Cult of Selfishness, while the mystic bonds of eroticism are destroyed not by trying to ban then (which would only lend them greater allure) but by the opposite process of banalising sex and desensitising the erotic sensibility by a grotesque and trivialising over-exposure.

Atomisation necessarily goes hand in hand with deracination.

AVVIE (🜨, ☿, ♃): Short for avatar, and a term primarily used in Virtualia (aka Second Life). We used this because it sounded cool and cute. Doesn’t it? I love it. Avvie. Plus, some Filianists felt that the term “avatar” was too religious, and wanted a word that sounded more casual for their winged cartoon representations.


BONGO (🜨, ♄): 1 noun—a dweller in the Pit: particularly one deeply affected by the ethos of the Pit. 2 adjective—of the Pit, having the qualities of the Pit.

BRIDGEHEAD, OPERATION (🜨, ☿, ♃): A shift in focus within the core IRL Aristasian community, officially beginning in November of 2005. The goal here was to make Aristasia more accessible and easy to discover. Highly controversial, it marked the adoption of a lot more scifi and anime aesthetics over the usual vintage ones. It coincided with early pushes into Virtualia (Second Life) and a greater focus on spirituality.


CHELAN (♀, ♄, ♃): The child-bearing sex among Aristasian (and other intemorphic peoples). In Sai Herthe, Chelani have fair hair (even among dark-skinned peoples) and so are colloquially called "blondes". Chelani outwardly resemble Tellurian female humans.

CHELLY (☿): This isn't an Aristasian (or Chelouranyan) term in the slightest. It was briefly slang for the new Chelouranyan group amongst the gang of non-Aristasian onlookers in the late 2000s. It had neutral associations rather than being derogatory, as far as I could tell.

CHELOURANYA (🜨, ☿, ♃): This is short for The Herthelan Protectorate of Chelouranya. After Aristasia (as a word, really) online had failed to shed it's problematic associations, the core group of IRL Aristasians began using this word for their community. The word itself loosely translates from Rahiralan as "Shining Harmony." Thus, following this change, the IRL Aristasians used the name "Daughters of Shining Harmony" for their community.

CULVERIA (🜨 ♄, ♃): Culveria is a term coined by Aristasians to represent the real America as opposed to the America of the Pit. It is also sometimes used for "Aristasia-in-Tellurian America"; for example, Aristasians living in America might refer to themselves as Culverians. Culveria is not, as has sometimes been implied, a province or colony in Aristasia Pura.

COLONY (🜨, ♄): An Aristasian household (or 'settlement of Aristasians') which normally contains more than one person and fulfils public functions within the District--such as that of a cinema, a library, a restaurant, a night-club, a school etc. The colony is the fundamental building-block of the Empire.


DECADES OF DARKNESS (🜨, ♄): The decades following the Eclipse are considered too offensive to name in Aristasian company. Under certain circumstances the First Decade of darkness may be referred to as the 1960s (because the earlier part of the 1960s, in certain aspects, comprises the Aristasian sub-province of Infraquirinelle) the following decades are only ever refered to as the Second, Third and Fourth Decades of Darkness (or one might just say "the Third Decade" for short). Where a specific year must be referred to, the form is e.g. 2D3 meaning the third year of the Second Decade of Darkness.

DÉANIST (🜨, ☿): A Tellurian (IRL, earthly, etc) term for a follower of the religion of God-as-Mother. This whole religion (and it is, in fact, an entire religion, on which Filianism is sort of based atop, cannot be explained here, but suffice to say looking through Aristasian pages might give a vague idea.

DÉA (🜨, ♀, ♄, ♃): God (naturally seen in Her original Feminine Form). The term God is also used in Aristasia, with the same meaning. Both also appear in IRL Filianist and related faiths.

DEFORMISM (🜨, ♄, ♃): The moral and aesthetic inversion of the Pit, expressed perfectly in the following passage:

The things sane societies loved, it hated. The things sane societies hated, it loved; the things sane societies tried to do, it tried to avoid; the things sane societies tried to avoid, it did with relish. It pursued chaos and hated order, it worshipped ugliness and loathed beauty. If sane people wished to dress as neatly and well as they could, these people were persuaded to dress as hideously and grotesquely as possible; if sane people wanted music to be melodious, these people (whether we are speaking of their "popular" or their "serious" music) were cozened into believing they liked raucous and tuneless noise. If women had been feminine, if home life had been secure, if children had been innocent, if men had been gallant, if art had been beautiful, if love had been romantic, then all these things must be stood on their heads. Of course, life was not always like that. Of course things had often fallen short of their ideals, or even of their minimal norms; but at least most people tried to do things properly and at least the surrounding civilisation encouraged them to try. Never before had the deliberate aim been an inverted parody of all that should be. Everywhere, in every area of life, a single principle reigned: inversion; the worship of chaos; the creed of the madhouse.

Another aspect of deformism is the continual urge to pollute and parody anything real and to destroy any racinated image by adulterating it with deracinated elements - like the girl who says "I like wearing 1950s dresses too, but I like to wear heavy boots with them", always imagining she has thought of this clever idea by herself, and is expressing her startling originality, rather than merely acting in abject conformity to the "suggestions" of her electronic masters.

DERACINATION (🜨, ♄, ♃): The process of cutting off an individual and a society from all natural roots; of creating a rootless, atomised type of humanity which, by its divorce from, and induced forgetfulness of, all normal standards and values, lacks dignity and self-respect; though it will often tend to be more aggressive and self-assertive as a compensation. It has been said that a deracinated person has self-satisfaction without self-respect. Any person, for example, who would consent to wear clothes printed with coarse jokes or advertising commercial products is clearly deracinated. The artefacts of modern design, from cars to music, convey, with the clarity of a language, the slick impoverishment of the deracinated consciousness.

A deracinated society, because of its lack of rootedness in any enduring values, is completely at the mercy of the moneyed interests and their mass-media who claim the right to define reality. In the past, the social concept of reality has emerged from out of the history of a community and its agreed values. In the Pit reality is freely defined and re-defined by those who have the power to do so - i.e. those who have financial control over the mass media.

The much-vaunted "freedom" of the deracinated individual consists solely in accepting the various "alternatives" permitted by the definers of reality, and (in rare cases) of producing new ones within the permitted tone and range, and always, of course, with the same deracinated consciousness.

The deracinated person is the perfect proletarian. The ideal subject of a system that claims the total and arbitrary control of the definition of reality. Her very "rebelliousness" (carefully encouraged by the system) is a part of her abject submission, being used always to cut her off further from her vestigial roots and from any human ties that might threaten to outweigh the centralised process of reality-definition. Thus deracination nearly always goes hand in hand with atomisation and deformism.

DISTRICT (🜨, ♄): Administrative area consisting of colonies (q.v.) and households, controlled by the District Governess. Usually a group of Aristasians in regular social contact will form a District. Children of the Void is a story of the daily life of the semi-fictional District of Maryhill.


EAST AND WEST (♀, ♄, ♃): Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the West, so the East corresponds to dawn and the West to Sunset. In Aristasia the most Easterly provinces correspond to earlier times in Telluria, and the Western ones to later times. So also Eastern trent would correspond to the early 1930s and Western Quirinelle to the late 1950s.

ECLIPSE, THE (🜨, ♄): The cultural and spiritual collapse of the early 1960s. Civilisation proper ended at this time and the Void (or the Pit) took its place. The process, obviously, was not instantaneous, and some elements of civilised life remained throughout the First Decade of Darkness and even into the Second, among the population at large, as opposed to the mass-media. Some hold that a second Eclipse took place at about the turn of the Second and Third Decades, after which deformism and moral inversion were complete and spread rapidly to every level of the populace, leaving very little intact.

ELEKTRASPACE (♄, ♃):: Aristasian term for either "the Internet" or "the Aristasian portion of the Internet". The term is used in both senses. "Internet" is not a term generally used by Aristasians.

ELEKTRAPOST (♄, ♃): Email.

ENGLAND, LONDON, NEW YORK ETC. (🜨, ♄) It goes without saying that when an Aristasian mentions these places, or any others, she is referring to them as they are in the real world, not to their Pit-parodies. These are termed Pit-england, Pit-london etc.

ESTRENNE (♀, ♄, ♃): (Person) of Eastern Aristasia, usually including the whole of "Amazonia" and the eastern two-thirds of Arkadya. Estrennes speak different languages and have different cultures from Westrennes. The nation of Novaria and the Archduchy of Jenilow (in South-West Arkadya) are regarded as semi-Estrenne and contain large elements of Estrenne language and culture.

EXILE ARISTASIANS (♀, 🜨, ♃): Aristasians in Telluria who come from the Motherland (despite having been born in Telluria), who feel out of place and alien in Telluria and often have "memories" of the Motherlands. Exile Aristasians do not consider themselves to be schizomorphic women in spirit even though they are physically such in body. They are chelani or melini not merely by adoption but in essence.


FAMILIA (♀, ♃): A term used for the Aristasian Empire (or an Aristasian nation) viewed as a large family with Dea as the ultimate Mother and the Empress (or Queen) as the representative of our Mother on earth. According to this view, all persons in authority are in the position of "elder sisters" or family elders in relation to those under their care, and the aim of felonial law is to return offenders to the heart of the Familia.

FEMMEKIN (🜨, ☿, ♃): This is a term coined by Aristasians post-Bridgehead for intermorphic (all-feminine) otherkin like their own "Exile Aristasians." The notion of otherkin in and of itself is a pretty complicated idea, but the gist of it here is that some people have non-human past lives, including in Aristasia Pura. There's more on otherkin below. Or just google.

FILYANA/FILYANI (🜨, ♀, ♄, ♃): (Blonde/Brunette) Follower of the Trinitarian religion of the Solar Mother and Lunar Daughter (Westrenne: FILIANIST). Filianism is the majority religion in most of Westrenne Aristasia and widely adhered to by Aristasians in Telluria. In Telluria Filianism is considered as a form of Déanism (the worship of Our Mother God). In Aristasia all religion is Déanic, so that term does not exist.

FILIANIST (🜨, ☿): A slightly more Tellurian (IRL, earthly, what-have-you) term for a follower of Filianism. In this case, there's no blonde/brunette version. The term is used by men, too, who are welcome in most IRL Filianist communities.

FIZZERS (🜨, ☿, ♃): Short term for physicalia, a word used for, essentially, real life. It contrasted with Virtualia, which meant Second Life and other virtual worlds.

FLEEM (🜨, ♄, ♃): Abbreviation of flea-market; usually a euphemism for "car boot sale" (a term not used in Aristasia). Sometimes used as a verb: "They've been fleeming this afternoon." Fleems are a cheap source of up-to-date articles.

FODS/FODDIES (🜨, ☿, ♄, ♃): Slang term playing on FOD as an abbreviation for Forces of Darkness.

FORCES OF DARKNESS (🜨, ☿, ♄, ♃): Theoretical cosmic forces that move to interfere with Aristasia and other pure, genuine endeavors. Mostly a phrase used facetiously when a series of IRL mishaps occurred at the on-the-ground Aristasian Embassy in London (a stolen car, some other stuff). Seemed to get taken much further by the Chelouranyans, who meant it as much more than a joke.

FREE WORLD, THE (🜨, ♄): Anywhere that is not under the tyranny of the Pit, whether Aristasia or the historical Real World. See Real World for a fuller definition





HER (♀, ♄, ♃): Aristasians tend to use 'her' and 'she' for unspecified persons in the same way that pre-Eclipse speakers and writers use 'him' and 'he'--e.g. "Any one breaking the rules will have her licence revoked". In Aristasian contexts, of course, all unspecified persons must be female, but even when speaking of real-world history or literature, this form will be used. When speaking of bongos one often uses 'him' and 'he' since the Archetypal bongo is masculine just as the Archetypal human being is (from the Aristasian perspective) feminine; and also because no true bongo of either sex is actually feminine (though some of them are female). Sometimes when a patriarchal real-world context seems to require it the 'he' form is used. What is not used in any case is the awkward and ultra-bongo 'he or she' ('any one breaking the rules will have his or her licence revoked'), or the semi-literate 'they' ('any one breaking the rules will have their licence revoked').

HESTIA (♀, ♄, ♃): The home, regarded in its sacred aspect as the "Temple of Sai Herthe". Often as opposed to the agora.


INFRA (♀, ♄): Abbreviation of Infraquirinelle (q.v.), but sometimes used more pejoratively: "Is this film, song, car etc all right?"--"Well, just about, but it's a bit Infra."

INFRAQUIRINELLE (♀, ♄): Infraquirinelle is depicted as a small island off Quirinelle. It consists of those elements of the First Decade of Darkness that are considered acceptable: that is, most things up to and including 1963, and elements of ladies fashion until rather later, so smart, short-skirted styles, and frosted pink lipstick are accepted, and real Infra dresses make a part of many Aristasian wardrobes. It would be just acceptable in some circles to wear such a dress with long boots. Beyond the pale would be: Pop Art fashions, popular music beyond the very early '60s, anything that smacked of the "hippie" or "Carnaby Street" or "Beatles" ethos, tights (panty hose) etc.

The philosophy is that certain elements of the First Decade represent the legitimate cultural direction that would have been taken had the eclipse not occurred. As culture moves in cycles, so there was a neo-Vintessian development in the First Decade (short skirts, straight figures, the cult of Flaming Youth) which was warped and poisoned by the dark distorting cloud that fell over civilisation at that time. The healthy elements, drawn out of the morass and reinstated are what constitute the sub-Province (or Quirinelle Protectorate) of Infraquirinelle.

The First Decade was a time of intense battle between the forces of degeneration and the forces of preservation. The latter lost completely, of course. They were routed and put to the sword. Their cities were razed to the ground and salt sown in the foundations. But it should not be forgotten that they did exist and put up a brief, but sometimes heroic, resistance.

IRON CURTAIN, THE (🜨, ♄): the barrier separating ourselves from the rest of the Real World. Essentially the Iron Curtain is the Pit itself seen in its aspect as a barrier, cutting us off from normal civilisation. So, if one sees an advertisement for photographs of film stars in a Trentish Picturegoer magazine, one might say. Look at these lovely pictures they are selling in England (q.v.). I wonder if we could get any through the Iron Curtain. In the Aristasian world-outlook, Real-World Trent is contemporary, and separated from us not by time but by the Pit and the War therewith. The ravages of time are translated into the ravages of that War. A friend recently received a delightful clockwork doll from Quirinelle, Romantia, and, noting how even the box was in almost-new condition, said "Look how beautifully she has come through the Iron Curtain."

INTERMORPH (♀, ♃): Aristasians are an intemorphic people, meaning that they have two feminine sexes (chelan and melin) which are complementary rather than opposite. The term "intemorph" is contrasted with "schizomorph".





KADORIA (♀, ♄, ♃): Province of Aristasia corresponding to the 1940s. Kadoria is ruled by the brunette Queen Francesca. Its tutelary Angel is Vikhe (brunette, corresponding to your planet Mars).


LESBIAN (🜨, ♄, ♃): Aristasians in Telluria who are sufficiently committed to regard themselves as honorary (or, in the case of Exile Aristasians, displaced) intemorphs do not regard themselves as lesbians but as - at least in principle - heterosexual chelani or melini.


MAID (♀, ♄, ♃): May mean a maidservant, but is also used as the generic term for blondes and brunettes, or even for human beings in general (cf the pre-Eclipse real-world use of 'man' and see her). So: "Let every maid rally to the defence of the Empire", "Maid is not an evolved animal but a fallen angel" "Maid is the only creature on Earth that uses language." The two uses of the word are not ambiguous or even really separate. One refers to "My maid Mary" in exactly the way that Wooster refers to "My man Jeeves." A maid in this sense is distinguished by the fact that she is only a maid, rather than a lady (though she may be a 'lady's lady').

MAIDEN (♀, ♄, ♃): Sometimes used for an individual maid without any particular implication that she is young or unmarried--as in: "Let every maiden read for herself what I have written". This is regarded as a dignified or Old Aristasian usage.

MELIN (♀, ♄, ♃): The non-child-bearing sex in Aristasia. In Sai Herthe, Melini have dark hair and so are colloquially termed "brunettes". Melini outwardly resemble Tellurian female humans.


NOVARIA (♀, ♄ ♃): Province of Aristasia corresponding to a projected future which has recovered from the Eclipse and returned to sanity. The 'futuristic' tendencies of Aristasia tend to cluster about this Province and Vintesse. Nonetheless, Novaria is, in some respects, the most traditional of the Western Provinces, having been settles by Eastern Amazonians. Novaria is ruled by the young brunette Queen Viktoria. Its tutelary angel is Mati (corresponding to your planet Mercury).


ORDINATOR (♀, ♄, ♃): The Aristasian word for "computer".

ORDIE (♀, ☿, ♄, ♃): Short for "ordinator;" computer.

OTHERKIN (🜨, ☿, ♃): Term for anyone, Aristasian or not, who considers themselves non-human. This word is not Aristasian. It goes back to the 1990s or even before (?) I think. Aristasians didn’t discover it until 2007 and kinda dug the concept, as you can see in that blog.

OUTLANDER (♀, ♃): Non-Aristasian.


PERSONA/E (🜨, ☿, ♄, ♃): Aristasians online (and IRL too, I'm told) interacted with eachother via personae. This is exactly what you'd expect from the word. Each persona would have a Puran backstory to a degree, etc. We didn't take this terribly far, and often left "character" so to speak, mentioning offline lives. Personae still were an important part of Aristasian life theatre, though, and I, personally, agonized over my backstories.

PETTE (♀, ♄, ♃): A girl. Originally short for 'chapette', although this shade of meaning is probably less present in its usage than the pun on 'pet'. Its nuance, at once jaunty and ultra-feminine, is unique and purely Aristasian. A 'pette', like a '20s 'flapper' or a '60s 'dolly bird' is a phenomenon specific to her time and place. The word also, with its overtones of ownership and obedience, stresses the ethos of ferocious group-independence and equally ferocious revolt against the fase divide-and-rule Pit-cult of 'personal independence'.

PIT (🜨, ♄): The world of the late 20th century following and to some extent including the 1960s. The "current world" of Western post-civilisation outside Aristasia: the psychotic de-feminised pseudo-reality created by the Eclipse. See VOID for a fuller definition of this term.

PLEENIE (🜨, ♃): Hybrid word made up of "Plenary Teenie". One who is teenaged in all personae.

PLENARY ARISTASIAN (🜨, ♃): Literally one who is Aristasian in all personae (i.e. not having a non-Aristasian Tellurian self, even though she may not advertise her nationality in all company). More generally one who is completely or primarily Aristasian and whose sole allegiance is to the Motherland. As opposed to a Law of Manifestation Aristasian.

PLENARY BLONDE/BRUNETTE (🜨, ♃): One who is blonde or brunette in all personae, as opposed to an Ambi who has personae in both sexes.

PHYSICALIA (🜨, ♃): Physical life as opposed to Virtual Reality. (Often used where an Outlander might use the deprecated and philosophically questionable term "Real Life").

PROVINTAL (♀, ♄): Pertaining to a Province. To say that the Quirinelle Pathe News is "very provintal" means that it encapsulates the spirit and essence of the Province. "You look very provintal", means that one looks very real and very much of the Provinces. This can be used even when no particular Province is meant.



QUIRINELLE (♀, ♄, ♃): Province of Aristasia corresponding to the 1950s. While in terms of earthly chronology the 1950s are the latest historical period covered by a province, in Aristasia Quirinelle is considered somewhat old-fashioned as compared to Trent or Vintesse. Quirinelle is ruled by the blonde Queen Elspeth; the tutelary Angel of the province is Sucri (corresponding to your planet and deity Venus).

QUIRRIE (♀, ♄, ♃): Short for Quirinelle, but only in its adjectival sense. One talks of Quirrie music or Quirrie respectability, but to say "I live in Quirrie" would be unidiomatic.

QUEER (🜨, ☿, ♄): Used humorously, like as a joke, in really early Aristasia that I saw online (like the Aphrodite Cocktail Bar especially) for Aristasians who preferred or dallied with men. Plays on the old (IRL) cockney expression "bottle of beer, queer. The joke was that, since Aristasia was a ladies world, women who preferred men were the "queer" ones. Gave rise to the "bottle" blonde or "bottle" brunette expression. One says someone is a "bottle brunette" for example, meaning they're a brunette who digs the chaps. There's also the joking implication that the girl dyes her hair, too, I guess.


RACINATION/RACINATED (🜨, ♄, ♃): Racination is the reverse of deracination. It is the process (or rather processes) by which we can undo the damage which the Pit has done to us, regain our stolen innocence and revive our trampled joy and wonder.

Just as the deracinated objects of bongo design, from cars to music, help to create a deracinated consciousness, so the artefacts of the real world are both racinated and racinating. Thus, when we surround ourselves with real things, watch real films, listen to real music, regularly read up-to-date magazines, dress in real clothes, make our homes as real as possible, we work a subtle magic on our souls that racinates us and makes us whole.

REAL (🜨, ♄): Authentic, not mutated by the Pit. So real cars and real films are what bongos would call old cars and films. To call them 'old' in Aristasia would be a great gaffe. They are contemporary, while the Pit equivalents should be referred to in the past tense, as something which, for us at least, is dead and done with. One would also say of people in up-to-date films: "they look so real". As one comes to understand the complete inauthenticity of the Pit and all its manifestations, this expression takes on deeper and more piquant meaning.

REAL WORLD, THE (🜨, ♄, ♃): Essentially this expression encompasses everything outside the Pit--not only Aristasia, but the Tellurian world before the Eclipse. It could also include any group of people who, for whatever reason, remained outside the Pit (the Pennsylvania Amish, for example). Of older people who still retained all the attitudes and valiues of their youth, did not watch television and were scarcely aware of the condition of the late 20th century, one might say: "They are still living in the real world." Or one might say "No one in the real world would even think such things", meaning that only in the Pit were such assumptions possible. Generally the Real World means the world before the Eclipse, so the Real World is where we find England, London, New York etc., as opposed to Pit-england, Pit-london, Pit-new york.

REVERENCE (♀, ♃): A bow made on various occasions: when greeting (accompanying the salutation "Rayati"); thanking; apologising; acknowledging a compliment and on numerous other occasions.

REVVIE (🜨, ☿, ♃): When Aristasians made their way into Second Life, the bowing action described above came too. I don't know if someone in the community actually coded it, or if it was a modification of a stock "bowing" animation, but we all downloaded it from the Embassy and used it to greet each other when given the opportunity.

ROMANTIA (🜨, ☿, ♄): A (largely theoretical) mixed-gender group resembling the Aristasian concept. It never seemed to really get going on the ground in the same way Aristasia did. If they did, they were more secretive about it. They published some stories and articles in the 1970s and 1980s. I'm still looking into this, and will share more info as I find it.


SCHIZOMORPH (♀, ♃): Tellurians are a schizomorphic people having two sexes, only one of which is feminine. The nature of the other is termed masculine and is one possible deviation (along the Vikhelic line) from the original femininity of maid. The two schizomorphic sexes are termed opposite rather than complementary as is the case with intemorphic peoples like Aristasians.

SILLY MONKEY(S) (🜨, ☿, ♄): S/M. This term only gets included jokingly tossed around because early Aristasians were so, so keen on proving that their obsession with consensual (and often outright roleplayed) physical punishment wasn't sexual and thus not the same as such "silly monkeys." It kind of seemed strange to me, because the word "sadomasochism" doesn't necessarily imply sexual aspects, now does it? Either way, this was how Miss Martindale and other mid-1990s Aristasian icons responded to the accusation that they were lesbian dominatrixes.

SOUND (🜨, ♄, ♃): Decent, healthy, in keeping with the essential rightness of things. In many respects this is the Aristasian equivalent of bongo "politically correct" i.e. what is considered right and good in Aristasia. In most practical respects this would be the precise opposite of what is "politically correct" in the Pit.


TEENIE (🜨, ♃): Teenage persona (informal but not slang).

TELLURIA (♀, ♄, ♃): The earth: the world where men exist. Telluria is not the same as the Pit, as there is also real-world Telluria. The Aristasia formed among girls on earth (as opposed to the ideal, absolute Aristasia where men have never existed) is called Aristasia-in-Telluric (but usually we just say "Aristasia" for both unless the distinction specially needs to be drawn).

“TH" SOUND (♀, ♄, ♃): The "hard" Aristasian "th" sound occurs in words such as "Thamë" (also the common noun thamë - "harmony") and "Herthe". In earlier Westrenne scripts it is represented by a separate letter. It is pronounced midway between the standard "t" sound and the unvoiced "th" in "thin".

TRENT (♀, ♄, ♃): Province of Aristasia corresponding to the 1930s. Trent is the largest of the five Western Provinces and is looked upon as a centre of fashion and sophistication, especially by the more 'home-like' Quirinelle. Queen Eleanor is the ruler of Trent and Thamë (pron. Tah-may and corresponding to your planet Jupiter) is the tutelary Angel of the province. Also known as Trintitia.

TYPE(S) 1-3 (🜨, ☿, ♄): Refers to the (early) Aristasians and how they viewed the modern world and the effects of the 1960s. They thought that most people in the West had been affected in one of three ways, and they referred to them as mutants (yes, mutants) type 1-3.

Type One Mutants were those who had barely noticed that the Eclipse of the 1960s had happened, and lived rather sheltered lives.
Type Two Mutants did interact with the wider world, and thus were affected more deeply, more deracinated, in Aristasian terms.
Type Three mutants were those who, due to some peculiarity, absolutely lost it in the post-1960s environment and try to rebel against it, becoming (for example) punks or something? This was unclear to me. I totally am a Type Three mutant, though, lol.


UP-TO-DATE (♀, 🜨, ♄): From the Western provinces, but especially from Trent, Vintesse and Novaria. So we speak of up-to-date cars, songs or films (a bongo would make the gaffe of calling them "old"). Arcadian ones would be 'old-fashioned' bongo ones 'outdated' or 'obsolete'. Things from Quirinelle can be up-to-date, but never quite ultra-modern or up-to-the-minute as things from Vintesse might be.


VINTESSE (♀, ♄, ♃): Province of Aristasia corresponding to the 1920s. Although chronologically the 1920s are the earliest of the decades represented by the Western Provinces, Vintesse is actually considered the second most modern of them and is closely allied with futuristic Novaria. Vintesse is noted for its jinky music and its "Pippsies" (bright young things). Vintesse is ruled by the moon and protected by the Angel Candre.

VIRCHERS (🜨, ☿, ♃): Short for Virtualia, meaning Second Life.

VIRTUALIA (🜨, ♃): Currently usually refers to the Second Life grid, but essentially means any form of Virtual Reality in which Aristasia is deployed. Sometimes as opposed to Physicalia.

VOID, THE (🜨, ♄): The Pit is also called the Void, but the two terms are not interchangeable. 'Pit' refers to the deracinated contents of the post-Eclipse world, while 'Void' refers to its utter emptiness of anything of value or interest--just as the sea is void of fresh water or the desert void of everything but sand. The Void is the Pit as seen from within Aristasia--simply a yawning nothingness, defined not by what it is, but by what it is not. It is in this sense that Aristasians are Children of the Void. Bongos are Children of the Pit because they are shaped by the specific contents of the Pit, by its distortions and neuroses--by its attempts to escape its own ugliness through 'alternative' uglinesses, or its attempts to find rest in conformity to the 'standard' ugliness, or any of the thousand mix-and-match permutations of Pit-poisoning. Aristasians are Children of the Void because they are shaped not by the specific contents of the Pit, but by the experience of living surrounded by a wholly rejected nothingness and having to re-create the psychic world in order to have a world in which to exist at all.

W, X, Y, Z

C'mon, did you really expect much here...? Moving along...

(Archived) Glossary Ghosts

As I mentioned, a lot of the above comes, verbatim, from archived Aristasian sources. In particular, from these two.

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