The Threads of Fate

Timelines of Aristasia

Aristasia’s history is complicated. Uncovering what really happened typically involves either having been present or sorting through large parts of the Internet Archive, newspaper clippings from decades ago, and even old video games. Regardless, one person I greatly admire (Miss Starry of @Tellurian-in-Aristasia on Tumblr) displays her impeccable research skills and eye for detail in this timeline of the movement.

Click here to visit the general timeline.

This timeline focuses both on Aristasia as a movement and on the individuals involved in creating and maintaining it. The latter is a topic we’ve avoided on this site as much as possible, seeking to preserve their privacy. Miss Starry, in creating the timeline, links to publicly-available news clippings and websites, and her work is innocuous in that respect. Still, the Aristasian Reminiscence Project itself won’t be much discussing the people mentioned, so keep that in mind.

If you are primarily interested in newspaper clippings and news features themselves, consider checking out this ancillary timeline, also created by Miss Starry. This one focuses entirely on cataloguing and contextualizing Aristasia (and it's precursor movements) as they've appeared in newspapers, television programs, and other such media. It, like the first one, provides valuable context, and links are provided to the clippings in question.

Click here to visit the media timeline., and if you'd like a text list of media related to Aristasia, visit media page.

Using a site built for visualizing such things, both timelines are interactive, and easily browsed on desktop and tablets. I've not had good success sorting through either on a mobile phone, though. In general, they're highly interactive and will easily allow you to see and find various eras and information about Aristasia and events therein.

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